Author K.T. Jay on a grand staircase.

February Novel Update: Perfecting My Manuscript

Hello there!

Thank you for stopping by my cozy corner of the internet. I appreciate your time. Today I’d love to give you an update about my manuscript and the status of my book. Grab a cup of something warm, and let’s catch up!

Where Are We Now? 

Developmental Edits

In this first week of February, as I’m writing this, I’m finishing up my first round of developmental edits. There are several kinds of edits a book goes through in its life. Developmental edits are the biggest and most comprehensive type of edits. Not everyone opts to get developmental edits on their novel, but since this is my first book, I wanted to get feedback from a professional editor and writer to make sure what I wrote is the best version it could be.

I was thrilled to find Mary Weber who is a YA Fantasy author herself who had been on the NYT Best Sellers list. She’s written six novels and has an abundance of wisdom in crafting a compelling and spell-binding story. As soon as I read her Storm Siren trilogy, I looked her up and found out she offers author services. So I sent her an email asking if she had availability to edit my novel, and low and behold, she said she did! My dream editor was secured for developmental edits!

Okay, so what are developmental edits? 

These are big picture edits that look at all areas of a book to see what is working and what needs improvement. The areas that my amazing editor looked at include:

  • Characters
  • Plot
  • Story/ setting/ world building
  • Structure
  • Voice
  • Genre
  • Technical issues
  • Flow
  • Inconsistencies
  • Theme

You might be thinking, ‘Phew! That’s a lot.’ (If you’re not, I sure am! Haha). So after receiving her ten-page editorial letter with feedback and suggestions on how to fix things, I dived into fixing what needed fixing. It’s taken a lot of time because I’ve been re-writing and writing new things for certain characters, and plot lines that needed developing. I’m also learning the process as I do it for the first time, so naturally it’s taken longer. 

The editing process, in general, feels like a roller coaster. Some days it’s really exciting and others it feels like everything I’m rewriting is rubbish. My editor, Mary, warned me that it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and frustrated with feedback and the list of things to improve. She might have even said it’s normal to want to throw my computer out the window and trash the whole thing…I may have had that thought a time to two…

I’ve come to realize how humbling it is to ask for feedback. I’m handing over something I’ve poured my soul into and placing it in someone else’s hands for them to poke and prod it, trying to find the cracks. I know that it’s going to make the book better overall. At the same time, it can be hard to hear the list of things that still need work.

Part of me just wants the book to just be done and finished. But the other part of me wants to publish something that I’m really proud of. Something that is worth your time to read. So I’m working hard to make sure it’s up to standard. You deserve that.

As hard as editing and rewriting is, the fact that I get to do this is such a privilege and blessing. I never want to lose sight of that. I get to create something out of nothing. How special is that? Thank you for your support and for making my dream a reality.

Cover Design

An exciting update that makes me smile every time I think about it is that I received the final cover design from my book cover designer! It’s been exciting to see her take my creation and make it come alive in a cover. She asked so many great questions about meaningful things in my book. She tied them into the cover! I’m excited for you to see it and figure out the significance of all of them. 

I’ll have a cover reveal for you soon! If you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll be the first person to get updates about the cover, when my book will be released, and when I post new blogs. I’d love to have you join my newsletter community and journey along with me! 

What’s Next?

Copy Edits

Like I mentioned, I’m nearing the end of developmental edits! As I finish the end of the book and polish up the big picture pieces, it’s starting to feel more real. After I finish these big picture edits, I’ll then move to copy edits which will correct grammar, sentence structure, etc. I’m looking forward to going through my manuscript with a fine-toothed comb and even work on creating more beautiful prose. When I read books with beautiful descriptions infused into them, my book-loving self melts. I hope to do that for you all too!

Uploading for Distribution

After all the editing and proofreading is completed, then the technical stuff comes in. I don’t know how interested you all are in this, so I’ll be brief. With the completed and edited manuscript, I will upload it to different distribution sites like Amazon and Ingram Spark so it will be available widely—meaning at all your normal retailers as a hardback and ebook. 

Once it’s uploaded and ready for pre-orders, that’s when I’ll let you know (my newsletter subscribers will get the first word, so sign up if you haven’t already)! Pre-orders help authors out immensely, so if you ever see an author letting you know you can preorder your book, I would lovingly encourage you to pre-order a copy. 

After that, you’ll receive your book on publication day!

I can’t believe it’s getting closer and closer. I’m excited and also maybe a little nervous to share this book with you. I’m looking forward to sharing what’s been living in my mind and imagination for the past few years. 

Thank you again for your time and support. I truly couldn’t do this without it. 

Until next time, keep dreaming,
